Friday, February 24, 2012

More hilarity from bad translations

You know how I love little stores and the great things they sell, as well as the hilarious motivational phrases that are on many of the stationary products.  Well, at Daiso there was plenty to go around.  This helpful info is on a package of file folders.

Here's an example from a butterfly an example
that it can lie happy on a hard rock
An example that it can lie on this unsweetened
stone friendlessly and all alone now let my bed
I do not care.

Helpful bowling information.

Loving U
The most exciting thing is not doing it.
If you fall in love with someone and never do it.
it's much more exciting.

(not sure I want this on my notebook...)

Spam singles.  How can this NOT be funny???

"I'm so gorgeous!" 

Said the disgusting green roach.

English Vocabulary
I is not trying
to follow him.
?  ?

Love looks not with the eyes,
but with the mind.
and etherefore is wing's
cupid painted blind

(FYI, etherefore is not in the dictionary)

I am a pig doctor
I can cure all
your problems
with this bandage

Isn't this so cute??? socks for your chairs.  I am taking orders, so let me know!

I will also take orders for this one... who needs a rouleau de frotter? 

While this doesn't have any funny translations or weird applications, check out the incline on this handicap ramp!  I was too scared to even WALK down it! 

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