Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Kyungpook University neighborhood

Spring is finally in the air here in Daegu, and we are all shaking off our cabin fever and venturing out into new, formerly unexplored neighborhoods.  This weekend another teacher and I decided that we finally wanted to visit this area that, so far, we have only viewed longingly from a taxi or bus.  So we coerced Gary into dropping us off on his way back to the bowling alley- here, across the street from Kyungpook University.

As you can recall from your own experiences, I am sure, the area around universities tend to be packed with bars, coffee shops, bars, eateries, bars, and shops.  Well, this area had plenty of bars, and a few of the rest.  Don't you want to go here, with the cute Adidas slipper?  I sure do :)

It was Saturday, so the vendors were out selling items.  Here you can see snacks made from various rices.  We were almost tricked into purchasing some, but only by sheer will power and a lot of negative behavior conditioning were we able to resist.

Cooking items.  The item in the top right corner is a bag of corn syrup. 

Doesn't it remind you of getting a sample each Christmas at the Mall of NH from Hickory Farms (and of course pretending that you had never tried it before)?  If the bag wasn't squishy I would have bought it thinking I was getting the Signature Beef Summer Sausage!


This, of course, does NOT remind me of the Mall of NH... Love the smiling pig out front.  He's like, come on in, this is totally fine with me...

Yeah, not the best name for a pizza place, is it?

As we were walking I was making my usual comments about the electric poles (yes I am obsessed, the first step is admitting you have a problem).  And as usual I was saying that it looks like you could just climb up there an hook up a wire without anyone knowing.

Add caption... no caption necessary...

Well, as we were walking we came by the local police station and I had to take a picture of the sign on the door that says, "May I help you?" when what do we see but...

...this guy!  Who I am pretty sure does not work for NHPS or FPL, or whoever does Korea's electricity... notice the complete lack of any work vehicle, safety equipment, cones, co-workers, spotters, vest, anything at all, to indicate that he is an employee out doing some kind of electric work...

Which, of course, leads me to believe (as I have all along) that he just moved in up the street and just came out here and decided to hook up his own power, and probably phone and Internet... and he feels comfortable enough doing it right outside of the police station!  We actually wandered around a bit more and I was keeping my eyes open for some U-Haul boxes to see where this guy lived!

Isn't Korea something?!?

After seeing that guy, there was not much that could compare in the way of pictures, but I do like the deep love. 

And while this is not such a great or funny sign, at least they are honest... if you bring in this picture of Jen Aniston and think you are going to walk out looking like that, well, we need a little magic!  HA!

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