Monday, January 13, 2014

Skate Link

I am trying something new, NEW, with this post.  I don't know if you have an iphone, or an ipad, or some other smart device, but man, those guys, (or really, one guy with an idea and lots of underpaid Chinese  kids) have created some pretty amazing devices.  Once you have a phone that is also a computer, and a camera, and a GPS, and also a phone, well, it is really hard to sit at a regular computer, and hook up a camera that is just a camera, and then wait... WAIT... For like, EVER, for the pictures to download, or whatever they do.  So this post, the first in a long time, is done completely on mobile smart devices, by a mobile, um... Well, me.  So we'll see how it goes, and go from there.  

So, let's go!  In Korean there is a letter that looks like a digital 2, picture it, and it makes the L/R sound. It is an almost french sounding, trilling sound, and it explains a lot about why asians sometimes are stereotyped as not being able to pronounce the "R" sound (as in "flied lice").  Well, that doesn't work out great for us... All of our first names have an L or an R sound.  Also, I have heard that in Korean language, the digital 2 letter makes the R sound at the beginning of a word, but the L sound in the middle of a word, so... GaLy, Riane, RiLy, BUT... Loan.  I guess the worst would be my dad, LoRand.  Maybe we don't have it so bad.  Anyway, the phonics lesson is just to explain the sign above.  

We went inline roller blading last weekend at an indoor rink about 10 minutes from our house.  

The place was not very busy, but about every half hour there were groups of about 10 kids that would come out for lessons.

Here is Pooks, getting suited up.  The price for three skaters, rentals, and helmets, unlimited from noon to five?  About 8 bucks.  

Whenever you hit a roller rink, it is like flashing back in time.  Hello, 80's!

One compliment I would like to give to Korea is that if they don't know how to do something, Koreans take lessons!   Kids of all ages (meaning adults, too) were mastering the fine art of rollerblading.  

Here are some students practicing the speed turn.

And us... Barely remaining upright...

Watch this!

Look out, here comes Galy!

Watch my speed!

I had to take a picture of this guys jeans!  Yes, those are zippers on his cheeks!  There was also a guy with a flock of seagulls sides shaved, top ponytail, hair-do but he kept giving me suspicious looks as I tried to take his picture.  

That's it for this post... What do you think of the smart version?  

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