Sunday, September 8, 2013

Kusama Yayoi

Since we have been back in Korea, I have been on a kick.  The kick is to get away from our school (not that we don't love it), visit some new things around Daegu, and try some of the restaurants around the area. Partially I blame the new teachers, who are off exploring like they are ants on one of those huge lollypops that you could get at Yoken's, partially I blame Gary, for being a tiny bit stressed each day and needing to be away from school, and partially I blame you, Linda, for telling me how much you enjoy reading our blog.  So this weekend we went to the Daegu Art Museum (cleverly named DAM) to see some modern-y type art by this lady named Kusama Yayoi. 
According to info provided my DAM... (why couldn't there be an N on there?????... 

maybe Daegu Art Museum, National???

or Daegu Art Museum is Number 1!???

actually, I think that is what I will call it).

  So, mulligan,

 According to info provided by DAMN#1, this artist lady is from Japan, and has been showing art since 1952.
Her art is inspired by her Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and hallucinations.  (psssst.... can you see me and my phone in the little hole?)     
So there are lots of polka-dots, lights, and mirrors
OK, so this is pretty cool.  There is a mirror room filled with thousands of Christmas lights, and you walk out on this pier, because the floor is water, and it is very trippy.  The room is called Gleaming Lights of the Souls, and it was very strange. 
Another shot of the same room.
This is her, the artist lady.  and pooks and r-man, cleverly disguised in the polka-dots and mirrors in the background.

It's funny, the more times you type it, the weirder it seems.... polka-dots, polka-dots, polka-dots, polka-dots....   drool.

  This is DAMN#1 Obliteration Room, which is "opened to visitors who will become creative participants  encouraged to directly affix polka-dot stickers  to the installation to better experience and understand the concepts behind this interactive art piece."
It's obviously working, because Gary looks like he is OCD or hallucinating! 
Leaving the DAMN #1 room... sometimes it is so fun to be the only Caucasians.
More hallucinations. .
This one is too cute to be a hallucination.
Also in the DAMN#1 there are other artists works.  Like this heart-y collage.
And this US flag overlaid on the imprint of soldiers.  Syria, anyone?  Don't get me started on this...
And this tall guy.
And of course, the fountain for self- drinking water.  We just filled up a cup and left it there.  Where is Steven Wright when you need him????

One of the last shots of the DAMN#1, from the top this time.  And I have to say that if this lady is OCD, I have her beat hands down... those dots are not arranged in neat little rows, by size, and from left to right.  Maybe I could have my own DAMN#1 exhibit about what it REALLY means to be OCD.
And a couple of pictures of our lunch of Vietnamese food. 
Our kids will really eat anything.  DAMN#1!

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