Monday, May 28, 2012

Ducks and pigs :)

Phew, it has been hard being a tour guide these past few weeks, and I am happy to be back to just telling the story of us, in a strange place... and nothing is stranger that trying to chronicle your normal life.  Luckily I have a weird and twisted sense of humor, kind of like the person who thought it would be a great idea to line an elementary playground with rose bushes... the roses are in full bloom right now, and so are the thorns, which makes recess SO FUN!

Yesterday we finally made it to the duck boats on the lake (really this was parental guilt, I had taken my kindergarten students there on Friday, but never my own kids).  We figured it was time, before we head home, to finish up some things that we wanted to do, this was one, so off we went.

Safety before fashion.  Since I had been here the day before, I got to pretend that I understood what the guy was saying and repeat the directions in English to Gary and the kids.  He would say something and gesture, and I would say, "You have to stay inside the buoys."  Then he points to the gear stick and says something else, and I say, "Forward for forward, middle for neutral, and back to reverse."  I was SO cool!  Like I know the Korean word for NEUTRAL!  HA!

Once on the boat we were like movie stars.  Each person that went by waved and said, in their best English, "HELLO!"  It was so cute.

Pooks favorite gear was neutral, she would gun the boat as fast as it would go and then slam it into neutral, where we would glide about 6 feet and then stop.  

More HELLOs!

This kid has obviously forgotten that water has alligators in it!

Each kid wanted a turn to drive, so at the halfway mark we had to switch seats.

Tossing rocks after a long and hot ride.

The next day some of the ladies and I wanted to cross another thing off the list, so we went to the Bullo flower area of Daegu, which is about a 6 minute drive.  I was looking for basil,  another lady was looking for kim-chi pots to take home, and the last one was just looking for fun.  Luckily we found all three things. The first place we stopped was the kim-chi pot place, where you can buy pots of all sizes, from these 10 gallon beasts...
to these, that probably hold two teaspoons,

and every size in between.  These people are serious about their pots!

Then, for some reason which is unclear to me, they also have lots of ceramic pigs. 

The pigs come in all sizes, and sure did make us smile!  Like the thought of being home in 35 days makes us smile... like pigs!

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