Sunday, February 27, 2011

School Lunch...

Since most weeks we really don't do anything more exciting than we would back home, I thought it would be interesting to show you our lunch.  This is a korean style lunch, with kim-chi soup, rice, a weird rice jello with vegetables, a stringy green leafy vegetable, and some squid salad. 

Western lunch the next day:  penne with sauce, sauteed vegetables, garlic bread, asian pear slices and steamed broccoli.

Korean lunch, fish and potato soup, rice with beans, an egg pancake, spicy radishes, kim-chi, and stewed sweet potatoes with dried plums.

As you can see from the menu we have a lot of western style food for breakfast, like bagels, muffins, eggs, and soft tofu soup!

Some of the translations don't exactly work out, like on Friday for lunch you can have broccoli prevention... and some of the things that sound western are close approximations of what you would have in the states, like when they say teriyaki chickens, they mean chickens,  they cut up the whole of the chickens, skin and all, and into the pot it goes.

As I get more pictures I'll add them.  :)  xoxoxo

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