Even thought this happened a few weeks ago, it is still a good story. Rman and six of his friends participate in a robotics club at school. They have been working to build and program a robot to do a bunch of stuff, like move a car, trip a wire, and move some crops to a different location.
It is part of the contest called "Nature's Fury", where the kids had to pick a natural disaster, research it, and then find a way to alleviate or mitigate it in some way.

So the kids here had displays showing their solutions to tsunamis, hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes.
The teams had some great names... MAXIMUM!
This is the team I want to be on...
This is Rmans team
And... Bernice... I never understand what is going on here...
These are the trophys the kids can win for various things...you can guess, I don't need to list them all.
This is the set up that the robot must navigate.
And because this is our personal, family blog, I will try not to put pictures of other students that attend our school, so some are close crops, but you can get the idea...
Someone is nervous, because once you press start, you can't touch that robot, you just have to let it run it's course... And sometimes it works, and sometimes it is total annihilation.
This is from a skit that the kids did about a seismic triggered wall that would come up and stop a tsunami wave from reaching the shore. Rman is the wave...
And finally letting off some steam with a little sky-diving
Almost to the end, it is time for one hilariously bad name...
And a parting shot of the gold medal winner...