Fall is in the air here in Daegu, and it is the perfect time for football... which, in the US is soccer. Pooks has a student in her class who's father is the goal coach for the DFC, and he invited the class to a game one night. |
This is the mascot for the DFC....
he brings back fond memories of my the mascot from my own college days... the fierce Orangeman...
not sure what anyone was thinking when they picked these guys to represent, but whatever.
Anyway, here we are with the DFC mascot. Notice how he is trying to squeeze me OUT of the picture? |
While we were waiting to enter the arena they had the song Gangnam Style playing on repeat.
If you have never heard this song before, you are obviously NOT in Korea. EVERYONE here knows this song, all of the moves, and sings this song CONSTANTLY. Including Pooks and R-Man. In Korean. So here R-Man is, with his friends, dancing and singing along. Notice the paparazzi taking photos and video. |
You would think this kind of attention might go to your head... |
Here is the stadium at night. |
It holds about 68,000 people, but for the soccer games there are maybe 3,000 people in the stands. Which means that a lot of the seats are empty. |
The funny thing is, is that everyone sits in their assigned seats. No one moves down closer, or takes more than one seat, they just sit where they are supposed to. |
Even us. Weird! |
So that is it for this post. Sorry about not being better at keeping up to date with this. I'll try to get some pix of Thailand, and also of R-Man and his vocal performance... Stay tuned!