Monday, September 10, 2012

Somebody had to do something...

OK, I think the pressure of doing this blog is getting to me... the pressure of trying to come up with interesting and new things to write about every couple of weeks, it is NOT easy, especially when you are as completely boring as we are.  And so this weekend we decided that Somebody HAD to do SOMETHING.  And of course, that someone (or some twos) were these two.  Who decided, on this overcast Sunday, that they wanted to learn how to water ski.  So we walked up the hill again... remember we live in a valley, so everything involves walking up one hill or another, up to the lake (yes, the running and Wipeout Lake) where there is a boat place that will drag kids around for a while, for pretty cheap.

The first stage of the lesson goes something like this... Guy in red shirt holds a rope with a water ski handle on it and is trying to get R-Man into position.  There are actually a lot of pointers to remember:  head up, butt down, heels on the floor, arms straight, let the boat pull you up... it just goes on and on.  This guy is doing his absolute best, but finally the bog boss has to come over and do some positioning.  They finally give up... uh.. I mean, teach him....

Next up for the lesson is Pooks, who gets some help from this kind guy on the right.  See how he is squatting?  (OK, side story... this is how most older people in Korea squat when they are picking vegetables, waiting in line, or even if they are naked in the ladies shower room... try not to picture it....).  Anyway... he is trying to get Pooks to do this, but you all know how she is always up on her toes... she CANNOT do this, so finally they give up.... uh.... well you know.

R-man is first in the water. He is getting fitted for the skis.  See the rain? That is just a momentary downpour caused by all of us being on one side of the houseboat.

To start, instead of a rope dragging behind the boat, they have this pole attached to the boat for the newbies to practice with.

It works!

Pooks is next.

This guy loved her!

Success!  I guess the lessons DID work!

After a brief rest they throw R-man out behind the boat... this poor kid has like 1% body fat and he has been wet for about 1 hour... he is FREEZING and shivering like crazy, but, what the heck... SOMEBODY HAD TO DO SOMETHING!

He lasts about 3 seconds before sinking back into the water...

Up next... Pooks.

She nails it, and makes it all the way around and back to the dock.

Who knows what we'll have to do next weekend... HA!